Filipino / Tagalog Dictionary provides an extensive database of Filipino words translated to English. The website aims to help anyone who wishes to learn how to write and speak Filipino. Foreigners will benefit greatly thru additional learning in their foreign language studies or may impress Filipino friends. This can also be a guide to Filipinos born and raised abroad who wish to expand their Filipino vocabulary.
The dictionary has been designed to meet the needs of students, tourists and all those who require quick and reliable answers to their translation questions. It provides clear guidance on selecting the most appropriate translation, illustrative examples to help with construction and usage, and precise information on grammar and style.
Evolution of Filipino/Tagalog
Language is not forever fixed and this should always be remembered. The evolution of a language coincides with the development of a country. The richness of a national vocabulary would depend on the teachers of a language who would persist to evolve in culture and civilization brought by change of time.
The equivalent in the Filipino language of the terms in English are merely suggestive and are therefore to be regarded as tentative. For this reason, will be glad to receive and consider suggestions for revisions and other improvements calculated to enhance the usefulness of this website. It is our fervent hope that individuals interested in the development of the national language will be but too willing to extend to their cooperation.
Language in Use
The language that we should teach should be the language that people actually speak and what is socially acceptable. Certain characteristics of speech are acceptable on the conversational level while some are acceptable on the formal level. If language is the way the people in the speech community speak it, then our aim for this website has been to help non-native speakers find fluent, natural ways of expressing themselves in the foreign language, without risk of the native-language distortion that sometimes results from literal translation.
The most frequently used words are treated in detail, helping the reader not only to understand but also to translate idiomatically. This particular feature in the dictionary gives it a distinct value and thereby supplies an important aid in acquiring the correct meaning of Filipino/Tagalog terms.
Language Reflects the Culture of the People
Cultural information should go hand in hand with the language teaching. It should consist of discussions of certain phrases of Filipino culture. Therefore, some bits of information about the Philippines are also included to help foreign students know and understand the culture of the Filipinos.
The cultural notes are presented to give a clear understanding of the culture of the Filipinos, their values, concepts, traditions, and way of life.
Syllabication and Pronunciation
All the Filipino/Tagalog entries are divided into syllables. This is necessary to writers who often commit mistakes in dividing words at the end of lines. Stresses and accents are indicated as guides to pronunciation.